Fri 03 Jan
Hot Body Massage - Only here for a limited Time. - 24
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, Myrtle Beach, OutCall)
🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Healing and relaxtion body work==🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 803 * 794 * 7220 - 28
Thu 02 Jan
❤ New Hott Gourgous Addorable New Faces@American Spa(803)731-5154❤ - 19
(652 Bush River Rd Suite-C Off I 26, Columbia)
Only here for a limited Time - Asian and Latinas Massage - 24
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, Incall, Myrtle Beach)
▃▃▃▃ 🀫🀰🀫🔴🀫🀰🀫 ▃▃▃▃▃ GRAND OPENING SPECIAL ! SPECIAL ! 🀫🀰🀫🔴🀫🀰🀫 ▃▃▃▃▃▃ 🀫🀰🀫🔴🀫🀰🀫 ▃▃▃ 803-736-9433 ▃▃▃▃▃▃ - 24
(Columbia, Columbia—🍫Next to SUBWAY🍫—803-736-9433)
STuNnInGlY BeAuTiFUl ! Mixed Barbie Doll Here To Ease Your Pain! - 20
(Columbia, Broad River to Two Notch OUTCALLS)
🎥 SEE VIDEO! MANDY AT P.S. today from 12-8 Call or come by now! ❤️️❤️️ - 28
(920 Saint Andrews Road unit 2, Columbia)
EXECUTIVE GSpot Prostate $100 Massage~34DD FormerEXEC Jamaican~ COLUMBIA'S #1 EBONY Choice! 10YRs - 35
(Columbia, I20/26)
Best Body Massage with Asian Beauty - 22
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, Myrtle Beach)
"" Spice Up Your Day or Evening With Chelsea "" All-Over Body Rubs #803-200-5028 - 45
(Columbia, Near I26 West , Near Harbison)
Upscale, Dicreet and Professional For The Discerning Gentleman ........ Body Rubs and Massage - 33
(Columbia, Lexington)
(¯` ¸☆ ¸´¯) VISITING CHICAGO 42KKK's Of SUPER Busty Beauty (¯` ¸☆ ¸´¯) THU & FRI!
(Columbia, Downtown - Outcallls Available)
Russia's Top Model - Anna here for a week!!
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, Myrtle Beach, Outcall)
See VIDEO B4 U Call~HOTTEST Jamaican Massage~SOOTHING AfroCARIBBEAN Nuru NUDE Bodyslide +GSpot - 37
(City VIBES DNTWN Studio, Columbia)
Meet Kira - 24 Y/O, Best Massage!!!!
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, Myrtle Beach, Outcall)
Lexie,Kira and Rainy@ Southern Belle's Now💖 Real Pics 💋Call Now about our SPECIALS 💋 - 19
(1405-B Rushmore Rd Columbia SC 29210, Charleston, Columbia)
❤ King Spa!! Best Asian Staff in Town!! Check out the 5 Star Service @ King. - 28
(Columbia, Augusta GA)
READ B4 CALLING💋Sassy Se×y Seductive & ready to PLAY MILF💋 $weet sexy Monday💗 happily ever after... - 34
(Columbia, MINE/ URS)