- Post ID : 454214
- Poster's age : 28
- City : Columbia
- Address : Myrtle Beach, south Myrtle Beach
$80$ special.!!!Come play with me and my Magical Hands!! - 25
Posted : Tuesday, January 21, 2025 04:09 PM | 4 views
Hi my name is Brittany.I`m a sexy,petite,blonde from south beach.I aM an exPerieNcEd maSsaGe thEraPist With maGical hands. So if yoUr stRessEd out,iN paIn, oR yoU siMply juSt nEed tO bE PAmPEreD .pleAse call and get treated right.Also Don'T waste my Time and I WoN't Waste Yours,so For SerIous inqUirIes oNly cAll 843-465-8028 for an appoInTment TOday!!! $75(in call)special.Also golfers (out call specials may be available) No TEXT,or BLOCKED calls!!!! LooKing FOrward tO yoUr cALl!!! well being massage studio columbia md,sumisearch,702-670-9175,happy rnding massage near me,escorts columbus,columbus ohio tranny escorts,erotic maasage near me,happy ending masage near me,farashe spa columbia,erotic massagenear me