Tue 21 Jan
_ _ _ _ * * * * * * * * * *_ _ ___S ____P ____E ____C ____I ____A ____L ____S__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - 24
NEW in TOWN InCall specials I want it NASTY $40 and $60 SpEcIaLS .... I keep it NaStY - 19
(Columbia, Broad River InCall and OutCall)
NEW NEW NEW ***MISS FARRAH Is Waiting For YOU*** 100% Real Pics - 33
(Columbia, Columbia - INCALL ONLY, sorry fellas!)
New Year, New Beginnings! Start with Me (803)221-0431 ★★ Upscale Companion for Upscale Gentlemen™ - 24
(Columbia, Northeast Two Notch & 20)
‼️Perfect PACKAGE‼️ Mixed Twin Goddess here to satisfy your every pleasure ❕❕❕ - 25
(Columbia, Columbia- OutCalls ONLY)
((NEW))-:¦:- AsToNiShInG SEXY EBONY -:¦:- MINd bLoWInG XxXpErIeNcE! (( A MUST SEE!)) - 22
((((NEW)) InSide Me (((NEW))))
NEW NUMBER *803-295-1545 ★BLue Eyes★SeXy Long Legged Natural Blonde★PeTiTe & Perky★Exotic★ - 26 - 26
(Columbia, columbia area (broad river road))
°o° _ =S= __ =T= __ =U= __ =N= __ =N= __ =I= __ =N= __ =G= _ *o° *NEW*NEW *VANESSA* - 27
(Broad RIver)
(Orangeburg) !!!! DRESSED IN R3D NO time to be Scared APPLE CINNAMON - 18
(Columbia, anywhere you want me to be.)
Plush Div@ 53"@zz !♥ 2 $m@sh PH@T BØØTY! !M Wh@+ u Cr@ve.SDUCtiV §WTAND THiick - 99
(Columbia, off Decker Blvd)
New Picsº·○● Have A Craving For Something Sweet? Well, Come And Get Some Of This CANDY●○·ºNew Pics - 33
💕(ORANGEBURG)😘💦NEW InTown💄💓🌺100%ℛεaℓ 😘💯 PRINCESS 👰💎 ßεαuty❤ 💄CrEmY & ReADy 💦803-529-5720 - 19
(Columbia, 💦🍭Orangeburg💦🍭 601💦🍭Incalls💦🍭)
💕New Holiday Rates💋60/qv 120/hh 180/hr 220/gfehr☎Amazing Amanda 704-966-7935 - 25
(Columbia, Incall House off 321/ Outcalls)
(((NEW))) -:¦:- LeAvInG -:¦:- At -:¦:- NoOn -:¦:- Squ!rter -:¦:- (((Available Now)))-22
((((InSide Me))))
NOW SeRvInG BlAcK CoFFy the HoTTeST cup around sip for urself UNTIMED)in and out call) - 26
(Two Notch)
💋Naugthy Never Look So Nice💋💕Milly Malone💕 - 21
(Columbia, In Calls Two Notch,OutCalls Only In Colu)
$$$$$ Miss Rated ®$$$$ best donations anything you want me to do ANYTHING - 23
(Columbia, columbia sc two notch in/ outcalls)
* * * NEW ! * FRESH ! * YOUNG ! % % % -^- -^- CARLA-^- -^- % % % P.R. CUTIE ! ! ! - 19
(Columbia/Surr. areas)
Mz Thickums 66"azz 💯💯💯Real NEW PIX 😘😘😘💰💶💶💵💸 In& certain out calls - 25
(Columbia, garners ferry rd/very discreet location)
❤ * ~ *❤ NEW!! Award Winning Adult STAR!!! S_U_P_A_S_T A_C_K_E_D BBW - 33
(Columbia, Upscale Downtown USC AREA!! 810-882-7345)
**MisS CaRmeN MiX BeAUtY iS BacK CaTch Me whIle You Can Here till 11**** - 22
(Columbia, two notch/incalls only)
MIzz.Juicy Now Doing Incalls and Outcalls 40/10 50/15 60/20 80/30 100/40 140/hr 24/7 (8034035684) - 25
(Columbia, Garnersferry)
MAGNIFICENT ^^^ BeAUtY !!! >>> YouR ** FaNTaSY ***** GirL ... ***** 50 SPECIALS - 24
(Columbia, two notch i-20)
♥ MEn'$ Best Kept Secret ♥♥ OlderR ThaN ThE Re$T $ ThE bESt ♥ NO BULLSHITTERS NEED NOT APPLY♥ - 41
(Columbia, 100HH 150HR.. JUST CALL...)
LeAvInG tOnIgHt 😘 40QV 70HH 💋AmAziNg ReDhEaD 💜CoMe PLaY WiTh My SliP n sLiDE 💦 #1 WaNtEd SnOwBuNnY 👯 - 27
(Columbia, Worth the drive😘 piney grove i26 104)
♤♡LET'S GO GAMECOCKS!! Looking To Score A Touchdown Then Come See Passion!!! Thick BBW Ready To Play - 31
(Columbia, Columbia(Two Notch))
LYrIC is here give you what you need ( Specials Specials) Call Now 10000% Real 5 star EXPIERENCE! - 21
(Columbia, columbia incalls only)
JEWELS is AVAILABLE 4 Your PLEASURE with )))))))) $40-$60-$80 SPECIALS ((((((((( - 38
(Columbia, Columbia, SC (MY PLACE or YOUR PLACE))
Let Me MAKE YOUR BEAT Independent â Beauty
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, Myrtle Beach)
____ __ ____ =J_U_S_T= __ _ __ =W_H_A_T= __ _ __ =Y_O_U= __ _ __ =C_R_A_V_E= ___ __ ___ - 31
(Columbia Northeast)
LATIN LADYwants to fulfill your WILDEST Fantasy all night and early morning ask about specials - 40
(Columbia, West Columbiali)
I Am Fetish And Trucker Friendly Im Always Available for Out Calls And I PIck Up When You Ca 24/7 💋 - 23
(Columbia, St. Andrews/harbison/piney grove)
Jasmine your new addiction in town available now! - 23
(Charleston, North charleston and surrounding areas)