Fri 03 Jan
🍒HI!💋Lil Leilani your petite luv kitten back & hot and feeling so very playful💖Columbia In/Out - 28
(Columbia, Columbia SC IN CALLS and OUT CALLS)
Phuck me Friday - Ho W & §w Pu§§y wih NaUgHY InNiOn§ 120HH/160H REDLIGHT OUTCALL SPECIAL - 23
Every Hot Provider at every Erotic Massage Parlor in Your Town. Here's all the Dirty Details
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, Myrtle Beach)
°°•• DØNT WAiT AN¥ LØNGER ••°°•• ¥Øuπ ¶|€A§uπ€ ¡§ π¡ght H€π€ ••°° - 22
(Columbia, in/out calls near i20 and i26)
Come and enjoy some time with *NICOLE* before going home... *QV SPECIALS ALL DAY AND NIGHT LONG* - 26
(Columbia, Harbison)
Butterfly Fantasy!!! (3 DAYS ONLY ) $60, $80, $150 (INCALLS ONLY) - 30
(Columbia, Bush River $$60, $$80, $$150, Incalls!)
BlaCK AmeriCAN BeauTY .... call NOW ready too give you all the SENSATION & SATISTFATION around!! - 28
(Columbia, You can come..)
Beautiful brunette~pics 100% real~take a look~ perfect girl next door, always freindly - 22
(Columbia, columbia in&out; calls)
All it takes is 1 call and you will leave with a smile $50 dollar special - 23
(Columbia, Airport Blvd Cayce off I-26)
beautiful beauty upscale specials come spend some time with me - 22
(Columbia, Columbia sc specials only for tonight!!!)
Licensed Massage Therapist❇Private Office ✴ New Mantric Massage✴ Website❇ discreet ♥♥professional♥♥ - 36
(Columbia, West Columbia)
✨NEW PICS✨Roxys looking for a good time, call me 😉803-354-6618 - 35
(Columbia, Piney Grove/Irmo and surrounding area)
Upscale Cpmpanion.°*°+No GamEs_ Sensual Playfulness. °¤+*Petite_ Young Playmate°* Hottie Alert
(Columbia, I26 IN AND OUT)
°*ஐ* B*L*A*C*K *C*H*E*R*R*Y ;**BACK IN TOWN***($40 special) - 18
(Columbia, columbia in/**out calls specials**)
SWEETHEARTS *** Work Locally or Tour*** Our Promises Come TRUE!!*** Established, Reputable, Honest!
(Work Locally or Tour the U.S.)
Private dances and MORE! Private place in west Columbia! Waiting on you! - 30
(Columbia, West Columbia)
•: ★:•:SEXY CERTIFIED -PRO:•: ★:•: I WANNA MAKE YOUR :•: TOES CURL :•: ★ - - 2 - 26
(Columbia, Orangeburg visiting)
💎SnoWbuNnY 🆕PiCs 😍 CaLl 📲NoW 🐸999🍭 8573🐰CaR🚘 PlaY 🐞 SuMmEr🐚 TiMe🌋 SpeCiaLs 🌸 - 25
(BROAD RIVER⚓ & i20 💕 OUTS & CAR🚘PLAY, Columbia)
•♥• ~ *★*•( G O O D GiRL50 ★BaD HABiTS 80HH ★G O O D @ iT )160H •*★*• ~**~100% ReaL~**~ - ~•♥•~ - 25
(Charleston, Charleston area)
Click Me❗I'm DIAMOND. Lets Play😻💦👅🍌FoRgEt ★ThE✪🍒✫ReSt✩CALL✯┆🍑 ✰ThE★✪BEST💦👅✬ ⓛⓞⓞ% ✩ - - - 21
🎉🎉 join the fun with AMBER & CHANEL @ Pure! REAL PICS & GREAT REVIEWS!! 😻❤ - 24
(920 saint Andrews road unit 2, Columbia)
The Best Ass Out of NYC Now that you went to The Rest Cum & get The best!! "Sexy CaRaMel" - 26
**Nice and Tender Baby Doll***Miss Qween**Always Read¥ DON'T MISS OUT! - 21
(Columbia, Upscale,TWO NOTCH)
"New To The City" 🍭 Sweet Young Tight. ((In And Out Calls)) - 19
(Columbia, St.Andrews Rd Columbia Area)
Exotic + Sexy + Flexible + Fun ~ ~ Specials - Don't Miss Out On This One! - 25
(Columbia, west Columbia downtown airport)
Every Hot Provider at every Erotic Massage Parlor in Your Town. Here's all the Dirty Details
(In your city)
Come PLay w/My Perfect 10 ::::☆ HoTsPot ::::☆ *sExY.*.KINKY *#1 KITTEN °*° VISITING - 22
(Columbia, Greystone)
$40 █ ~ ❤ ~ █ Mizz Cream █ ~ ❤ ~ █Sick Of The Wife Or Girlfriend...Ooo Baby I Know.. - 24
(Columbia, Columbia/Bush river)
Licensed Massage Therapist - PRIVATE OFFICE ...Website.. Reviewed.. Don't Risk Your Safety. - 35
(Columbia, West Columbia, Columbia)
Thu 02 Jan
RENEA - Visiting - My Last Day! Don't Wait ~Special Rate~ 150- hour ** Leaving Late Tonight**t - 38
(Bush River Rd.)
🌟Danielle is back🌟💕💎$w€€t p€t!t€ bubb£y brun€tt€ 50qv @₩€$0m€ $p€c!@£$💎💕🌟 - 24
(Columbia, incall northeast)
Alright northeast area. Tonight is the night. Come see your girl SKY.. - 26
(Columbia, Northeast, just past the summit)