Tue 21 Jan
❤❤KiCk YouR WeeKenD IntO HigH GeaR (◡‿◡✿) WiTh ♛♈ᖺᙓ ᗴᖇᗝ☂ᓮᑕ ᕈᖇᓮﬡᑕᙓᔕᔕ♛ (◡‿◡✿)❤❤ - 27
(Columbia, SE/Ft.Jxsn/Two Notch/NE - In&Out; Callz)
Let This Gorgeous Upscale Blonde Show You Why Her💋Mouth💋Is Addictive! Harley Lange - (803)295-1558 - 25
(Columbia, Columbia, SC (Incalls/Out calls))
may i please have you attention beautiful ebony princess is looking for a good time - 25
(Columbia, south east)
jUst ARRIVED_ 40 __40 adult film Star __ASIA PEACH___ OMG LOOK AT THAT bo00TY - 20
Goodafternoon!!! ReDbOne GoT LunCh SpEc. $35,$40,$60,$100 :) - 22
(Columbia, columbia sc ( two notch rd in&out;))
Good Afternoon➰🌞➰www. MarleyFavorsYou .com ➰🌞➰MARLEY FAVORS TGIF➰🌞➰ (216) 673-3662 ➰🌞➰(NO AA) - 25
(Columbia, www.marleyfavorsyou.com | Available NOW)
❤▀▄▀▄▀ ❤CRAVING SOMETHING SWEET && ST!CKY??? ❤ ▀▄▀▄▀▄ ❤▃▅▆█ CALL ME █▆▅▃Miss Honey❤ 40$ specials all - 19
(Columbia, two notch in an out)
*******EXOTIC EBONY COLLEGE STUDENT FOR YOU***I'm Ready Babe***Lets Have Fun 2night!!**GOOD JOB*50sp - 19
(Columbia, two notch in/out)
...Best Deal in town,40/ 75 non Rush... $$..IN/Out call specials - 31
(Columbia, Two,Notch rd.. IN /Out)
Butterfly Fantasy!!! $60, $80, $150 *** LEAVING SUNDAY*** (INCALLS) - 30
(Columbia, Bush River $$60, $$80, $$150, Incalls!)
Sun 12 Jan
CaN We PlAy ToNiGhT :) $35,$40,$60,$100 ReDbOnE - 22
(Columbia, columbia sc ( two notch rd in&out;))
Sat 11 Jan
Fri 10 Jan
[[ bRaNd _NeW ]] -- [[SupeR BaD]] *tReaT* -- [[TO BACKPAGE]] -- [[AlWayS ReaDytOpLay ]] _75$«« - 23
(Columbia, Orangeburg)
Thu 09 Jan
Wed 08 Jan
**SnEaK~A~wAy ** **~~~ Ready Now~~~ Specials all Nite - 99
(Columbia, TWO NOTCH RD/in & out calls special)
Specials! ★ GooD GirL GonE BaD ★ Beautiful, Uninhibited, Truly Classy Companion! ★ - 29
(Columbia, Two Notch - In Call Out Call)
CaN We PlAy ToNiGhT :) $35,$40,$60,$100 ReDbOnE - 22
(Columbia, columbia sc ( two notch rd in&out;))
See VIDEO PROOF!~Better than S$X, Nuru BODYSLIDE~#1 EBONY(FormerExEC)~the ULTIMATE Jamaican FANTASY - 35
(Columbia, PRIVATE i20/26 Residence)
Tue 07 Jan
**SnEaK~A~wAy ** **~~~ Ready Now~~~ Specials all Nite - 99
(Columbia, TWO NOTCH RD/in & out calls special)
💯% ReaL 💎💌LAST DAY 👛 ★ SeXy FuN GiRL ★ -- FuLL oF EnerGy ! -- ReaDy 2 PLay ! 40 SPECIAL**** - 23
(Columbia, In/out two notch)
Mon 06 Jan
Out Call Specials!! ♥ Arianna ♥ FreaKy GiRl NexT DooR ♥ 100% REaL PiCs - 29
(Columbia, Two Notch In Call / Out call All Areas)
carmen**** Mixed beauty!! sexy&petite;💔💔💔 ready to cater to you! - 22
(Columbia, bush river rd/in/out calls)
...Best Deal in town,40/60/ 75 $$..IN/Call specials & Out availble - 31
(Columbia, Two,Notch rd.. IN /out call)
HOT Splzs (¯`•;•`¯):¦:- I'M ReadY-::-- :¦:-ARE U -:¦:- :¦:- -:¦:SPLZ ALL DAY - 27
(Columbia, ( IN Calls / OUT Calls) Two Notch)
[click here] : For the CLOUD 9 EXPERIENCE : [click here] - 20
(Columbia, two notch area, columbia in/out)
[click here] : For the CLOUD 9 EXPERIENCE : [click here] - 20
(Columbia, two notch area, columbia in/out)
50$ DON'T BE DISAPPOINTED :.♥: :.♥: by Storm - 23
(Columbia, Columbia in/out calls off two notch)
Sun 05 Jan
💋💔Peachy💋💋 I am here for your pleasure.. you never had a Texas Girl until you had me.. 💕 - 22
(Columbia, Columbia, Broad River Road, Bush River R)
HOT Splzs (¯`•;•`¯):¦:- I'M ReadY-::-- :¦:-ARE U -:¦:- :¦:- -:¦:SPLZ ALL DAY - 27
(Columbia, ( IN Calls / OUT Calls) Two Notch)
ALL NEW AMERICAN SPA ~~803-731-5154 Table Showers/Ultimate Relaxation NEW GIRLS SHELLEY and Taylor - 23
(Columbia, Bush RIver Rd Columbia S C)
come lemme warm u up,cuddle, feel, n touch...$40qv $70hh $120hr in call rates only - 19
(Columbia, Two-notch rd in/out calls)
CoMe EnJOy MiSs MyA PeTiTe BoDy! CaLl NoW I aM WaItInG ;) - 22
(Columbia, columbia sc ( two notch rd in&out;))
Specials! ★ GooD GirL GonE BaD ★ Beautiful, Uninhibited, Truly Classy Companion! ★ - 29
(Columbia, Two Notch - In Call Out Call)
________★__1○○% REAL ALL AMERICAN BUSTY BLONDE IN OBURG __★________ ···▶$100 INCALL ◀··· - 27
(Columbia, ★Orangeburg Incall Only★)
Sat 04 Jan
❤❤KiCk YouR WeeKenD IntO HigH GeaR (◡‿◡✿) WiTh ♛♈ᖺᙓ ᗴᖇᗝ☂ᓮᑕ ᕈᖇᓮﬡᑕᙓᔕᔕ♛ (◡‿◡✿)❤❤ - 27
(Columbia, SE/Ft.Jxsn/Two Notch/NE - In&Out; Callz)
Spend $40 &👅I Will Melt In Your Mouth 👅 Not In Your Hand 👅 Baby It's 💋Hershey💋 - 22
(Columbia, Columbia/Garner ferry)
**SnEaK~A~wAy ** **~~~ Ready Now~~~ Specials all Nite .Two Notch rd - 99
(Columbia, TWO NOTCH RD/in & out calls special)
** * new brunette MODEL *** 5'7 115LBS ___________ 100 special - 20
(Columbia, two notch in-out upscale)
~~~WhAt ArE YoU wAiTiNg oN, I'M aLL U NeeD$$$ AVAiLaBLE NoW~~~ - 28
(Columbia, Two Notch(In/Out Call))
«««« NEW S.A.M. A.N.T.H.A.... ..... 5`2 110lbs toy size upscale - 20
(Columbia, two notch rd in/out 100 special)
-°&;°-SNEAK} °o© {AWAY} °o© {&} °o© {COME} °o© {PLAY} °o© °★° -:¦:- - 30
(Columbia, Two Notch(IN sPLZ /OUT"S CALL'S)
*******EXOTIC EBONY COLLEGE STUDENT FOR YOU***I'm Ready Babe***Lets Have Fun 2night!!**GOOD JOB*50sp - 19
(Columbia, two notch in/out)
❤▀▄▀▄▀ ❤CRAVING SOMETHING SWEET && ST!CKY??? ❤ ▀▄▀▄▀▄ ❤▃▅▆█ CALL ME █▆▅▃Miss Honey❤ 40$ specials all - 19
(Columbia, two notch in an out)
Fri 03 Jan
***LuCiiOuS LiPs & DeLiiCiiOus HiPs }: BusTy chocolate BoOtYlicIous *** - 25
(Columbia, columbia in-out-call)