Mon 27 Jan
[ ♛ ] I N C A L L S [ ♛ ] PuRe SaTiSfAcTiOn![ ♛ ] !Petite nasty FREAK - 23
(Columbia, PARKLANE RD)
*R.e.a.l* Pics* CuRvY HoT BoDy * & FrEakY * **MS. Vanity thurs Special.$50 specials - 27
(Columbia, columbia, sc ( parklane rd ))
*R.e.a.l* Pics* CuRvY HoT BoDy * & FrEakY * **MS. Vanity Superbowl Special.$50 specials - 27
(Columbia, columbia, sc ( parklane rd ))
Tha Best Valentines Day Special ((=ADDICTIVE=)) ★$50 specials(s) - 27
(Columbia, incall (parklane rd))
Tha best Toe Curling experience..30 bobble ...45 roses to play..until 12p - 27
(Columbia, incall (off parklane rd))
Toe Tingling/Jaw clenching/Spine curling exp. $30 bobble $45 spec early am - 27
(Columbia, incall (off parklane rd))
Tha best Toe Curling experience.. 35 bobblehead...50 roses to play. - 27
(Columbia, incall (off parklane rd))
★New Number★ X-Rα†εd NEW Pics▶100% R E ₳ L 💋 uℓtiℳαtε ρℓαγmαtε 💋 ╚»CALL Ms.Monroe - 20
(Columbia, Parklane rd, NEAR THE MALL)
40.50..60..90 spec. ★©° ((=ADDICTIVE=)) ★©Wed night special - 27
(Columbia, incall only(parklane rd))
Relaxation. (¯`'·. ¸☆¸. ·'´¯) Tha Best BBW on BP (¯`'·. ¸☆¸. $45 spec - 27
(Columbia, parklane rd (columbia))
$50 spec (¯`'·. ¸☆¸. ·'´¯)LET ME RUB U THE RIGHT WAY (¯`'·. ¸☆¸. $50 spec - 27
(Columbia, parklane rd (columbia))
[ ♛ ] I N C A L L S [ ♛ ] PuRe SaTiSfAcTiOn![ ♛ ] !Petite nasty FREAK - 23
(Columbia, PARKLANE RD)
*R.e.a.l* Pics* CuRvY HoT BoDy * & FrEakY * **MS. Vanity thurs Special.$50 specials - 27
(Columbia, columbia, sc ( parklane rd ))
Toe Tingling/Jaw clenching/Spine curling exp. $30 bobble $45 spec early am - 27
(Columbia, incall (off parklane rd))
♥ ♥ Ms. Thickness ♥ ♥ here to help you relax..$45 all day spec - 27
(Columbia, columbia (parklane rd))
$50 spec (¯`'·. ¸☆¸. ·'´¯)LET ME RUB U THE RIGHT WAY (¯`'·. ¸☆¸. $50 spec - 27
(Columbia, parklane rd (columbia))
Tue 21 Jan
SeXy DeLiCiOUs bootylicious BBW...specials starting @ 30 bobble ..45 2 play - 27
(Columbia, columbia (parklane rd)incall only)
saturday special starting @ $35 4 b0bb!..$50 2 play..wont stay this way long. - 27
(Columbia, incall only (off parklane rd))
N@ughty or Nice (I'll Treat You Right) .. 35 B0bbl...50 roses to rates on bp. - 27
(Columbia, incall (off parklane rd))
N@ughty or Nice (I'll Treat You Right) .. 25 B0bbl...50 roses to rates on bp. - 27
(Columbia, incall (off parklane rd))
monday special starting @ 30.$45 2 play.$60 everything - 27
(Columbia, incall only (off parklane rd))
certified freak here special starting @30 bobble..$45 2 play.$55 everything - 27
(Columbia, incall only (off parklane rd))
Bl@cK ChYn@'$ here $40qv splz (Tickets 2 the freak show) 💕$exy exotic beauty Limited time call Now - 19
(Columbia, Parklane rd incalls only)
♥ ♥ Ms. Thickness ♥ ♥ here to help you relax..$50 all day spec - 27
(Columbia, columbia (parklane rd))
Tha Best Valentines Day Special ((=ADDICTIVE=)) ★$50 specials(s) - 27
(Columbia, incall (parklane rd))
Tha best Toe Curling experience..30 bobble ...45 roses to play..until 12p - 27
(Columbia, incall (off parklane rd))
SeXy DeLiCiOUs bootylicious BBW...specials starting @ 30 bobble ..45 2 play - 27
(Columbia, columbia (parklane rd)incall only)
saturday special starting @ $35 4 b0bb!..$50 2 play..wont stay this way long. - 27
(Columbia, incall only (off parklane rd))
★New Number★ X-Rα†εd NEW Pics▶100% R E ₳ L 💋 uℓtiℳαtε ρℓαγmαtε 💋 ╚»CALL Ms.Monroe - 20
(Columbia, Parklane rd, NEAR THE MALL)
N@ughty or Nice (I'll Treat You Right) .. 35 B0bbl...50 roses to rates on bp. - 27
(Columbia, incall (off parklane rd))
N@ughty or Nice (I'll Treat You Right) .. 25 B0bbl...50 roses to rates on bp. - 27
(Columbia, incall (off parklane rd))
Bl@cK ChYn@'$ here $40qv splz (Tickets 2 the freak show) 💕$exy exotic beauty Limited time call Now - 19
(Columbia, Parklane rd incalls only)
40.50..60..90 spec. ★©° ((=ADDICTIVE=)) ★©Wed night special - 27
(Columbia, incall only(parklane rd))
*30 bobble* 45 2 play »- C*E *R *T *I *F *I °E*D »- F*R *E *A *K* »*»*30 bobble *45 - 27
(Columbia, incall (off parklane rd))
Relaxation. (¯`'·. ¸☆¸. ·'´¯) Tha Best BBW on BP (¯`'·. ¸☆¸. $45 spec - 27
(Columbia, parklane rd (columbia))
Mon 06 Jan
*R.e.a.l* Pics* CuRvY HoT BoDy * & FrEakY * **MS. Vanity Superbowl Special.$50 specials - 27
(Columbia, columbia, sc ( parklane rd ))
certified freak here special starting @30 bobble..$45 2 play.$55 everything - 27
(Columbia, incall only (off parklane rd))
Sun 05 Jan
Black Diamond 1000% Real 💎Real Dream Girl💎 $45qv splzz 803)315-3611 - 18
(Columbia, Parklane rd incalls only)
Relaxation. (¯`'·. ¸☆¸. ·'´¯) Beautiful BBW (¯`'·. ¸☆¸. ·'´$45 thanksgiving spec - 27
(Columbia, parklane rd (columbia))
Sat 04 Jan
Tha best Toe Curling experience.. 35 bobblehead...50 roses to play. - 27
(Columbia, incall (off parklane rd))
Fri 03 Jan
Black Diamond 1000% Real 💎Real Dream Girl💎 $45qv splzz 803)315-3611 - 18
(Columbia, Parklane rd incalls only)
Relaxation. (¯`'·. ¸☆¸. ·'´¯) Beautiful BBW (¯`'·. ¸☆¸. ·'´$45 thanksgiving spec - 27
(Columbia, parklane rd (columbia))
♥ ♥ Ms. Thickness ♥ ♥ here to help you relax..$45 all day spec - 27
(Columbia, columbia (parklane rd))
Thu 02 Jan
*30 bobble* 45 2 play »- C*E *R *T *I *F *I °E*D »- F*R *E *A *K* »*»*30 bobble *45 - 27
(Columbia, incall (off parklane rd))