Mon 27 Jan
💋SWEET PEAS 💋come and see how sweet I am🕑special☎call me 803-369-4405 - 42
(Columbia, west columbia cayce,lexington)
Don't Take A Risk With All The Fakes 🙅😩 Come Hang With The Best!! 😘🤗💋 - 26
(Columbia, Wilson blvd in/out)
American Spa 803-731-5154 💋Monday's 💦❤ Sasha, Alex, & Leah 💦Tableshowers Available ❤. - 27
(652C Bush River Rd. Columbia, S.C, Columbia)
vanilla thick princess or chocolate thick queen* new pics* 35qv - 25
(Columbia, i26 west columbia lexington)
👄Treat You Like A KING✔ No Regrets! 💚Call Me Boo* 70$qv Outcalls Only - 24
(Columbia, West Columbia,Broad River,Lexington)
**Theres A Beautiful Latin Mixed Mami whos waiting for u**50spcls** 2girlXplicit - 24
(Columbia, Columbia-Greystone In/out calls)
The True Definition of beauty!! Up late&upscale; Sweet&Sexy; 8032975692 100 incall special - 24
(Columbia, West columbia lexington in or outcalls)
💝💝$Superthicke$ *Sup@*PH@t*Azz! 😘"√Checkout My Videos/ Website"√ $B@ddest On BP$$45qv - 31
(Columbia, hardscrabble Northeast columbia)
💋QV SPECIAL💋 💦THiRST Quenching sexie💦$weet pea☎ 803-369-4405 - 40
(Columbia, west columbia lexington ,columbia)
Sexy Caramel Treat Ready 2 Play In & Outcalls - 27
(Columbia, Columbia sc, west columbia,lexington sc)
Sasha Bangs, I will do what you WANT, 😈😈 I wont say No Come Buss All over Me!!! 65hhr 85hr NonRush - 26
(Columbia, Ft Jackson/Garners Ferry)
(NEW) Limited Time💋frEsh fAce💎No diSappointmeNTs HERE❇YoUr going To Beg👄 252-717-2651 to staY - - 20
(Columbia, Columbia (Two Notch))
mixed ebony and dominican with a model body and beautiful and kinky - 19
(Columbia, columbia sc broad river)
Let your imagination run WILD .new to the cola. area * just perfectly packaged*.... - 35
(Columbia, irmo west cola lexington cayce gadston)
LeaViNG SooN 💋Th∈ Be§t αvαiℓabℓε ➜N0W❤YounG & Hot SLIM! *&t;!GHT 100% REAL Low Mileage High Quality - 23
(Columbia, West Columbia, Lexington INCALLS)
Meet Lea, a mature provider. Visiting through Thursday Lunch! North West Columbia July 21-23 - 44
(Columbia, West Columbia - $350/hr)
Im In Columbia Right Now, But I wont Be here For Long.. Driving Through.. Call Me Now $100 Special.. - 23
Come Take A DiP iN mY 🐝BeeHive & See What mY Honey 🍯TaSte LiKe 50SplzAllDay - 24 - 24
(Columbia, West Columbia/ Lexington in calls Only)
**CoMe ViSiT BoStOn'S FiNeSt* ~ $100/$200 specials~ 7/7/4 5/2/1 9/4/1/8 - 28
(Columbia, Lexington/West Columbia/Cayce IN & OUT)
35$ QV SWEET PEA COME see how i got my name !!!!!! FETISH FRIENDLY!!!! 120$ anyway u like * - 40
(Columbia, west columbia / Lexington)
Sexiest Full Body Rubs! Start your holiday with these Fireworks :) Holiday Best Rates! - 31
(Columbia, Lexington/west Columbia Hwy 378)
#1 ToP CHoiCE EBoNY ★CrAZy PhAT BooTy ★PuRE FrEAK ★CrAzY CuRvEs & AmAziNG SkiLLz - 20
(Columbia, New Pics Broad River I20 In/Outcalls)
Beautiful blonde is here to help you relax SUNDAY ONE PRICE FULL BODY - 30
(Columbia, West Columbia-Lexington)
**** L E T* S HAVE S O M E F U N ***** {50$ S P E C I A L} - 20
(Columbia, Columbia, South Carolina)
★Flawless☆ I Woke Up Like This! ☆;-)★ Gosh _amn, Gosh _amn!! 💖TRANSEXUAL💜 Specials Available★•°• - 23
(Columbia, Garners Ferry Rd)
American Spa 803-731-5154 💋Monday's 💦❤ Sasha, Alex, & Leah 💦Tableshowers Available ❤. - 27
(652C Bush River Rd. Columbia, S.C, Columbia)
vanilla thick princess or chocolate thick queen* new pics* 35qv - 25
(Columbia, i26 west columbia lexington)
The True Definition of beauty!! Up late&upscale; Sweet&Sexy; 8032975692 100 incall special - 24
(Columbia, West columbia lexington in or outcalls)
803/363/6477 *~ Let Me Take You On A Ride You Will Never Forget ~* 45 Rose Special ~*~*~*~*~*~* - 31
(Columbia, bush river/ upscale hotel)
35$ QV SWEET PEA COME see how i got my name !!!!!! FETISH FRIENDLY!!!! 120$ anyway u like * - 40
(Columbia, west columbia / Lexington)
NEW STUDIO LOWEST B2B SPECIALS!! De-Stress & Relaxation Stressions - 30
(Columbia, West Columbia-Lexington)
MW4M - Hot Bi Couple - 4 Handed Erotic Sensual All Nude Body Rubs - MW4M - 27
(Columbia, Lexington - West Columbia - Columbia)
Tue 21 Jan
SuGAr 🍭 SpICe 🌶 EveRYtHinG nICe 💋👅👄 ♨️Miley is ONE OF A KIND‼️♨️ ComE HAnG w/ mE, iLL TReaT yOu RIGHT😘 - 26
(Columbia, Wilson blvd in/out)
I love what I do and so will you. call sweet pea. 803-369-4405☎ - 42
(Columbia, west columbia lexington ,columbia)
☔"Sprinkle me" 😂"LouD Mo🅰nin" 🍨"CurvyLicious and Yummy" 👅"Deep Thro🅰t" 👋"Sp🅰nk my 50in B00ty" - 23
(Airport/West Cola/Lexington, Columbia)
💋😏sexy sultry and seductive➡ slip into $weet pea & you will never want another - 40
(Columbia, West Columbia Casey Lexington)
Sexy Caramel Treat Ready 2 Play Outcalls Only! - 24
(Columbia, Columbia sc, west columbia,lexington sc)
😍Puerto Rican Mami💦Incall $60qv outcall $70💋Call me Baby - 25
(Columbia, Lexington/west columbia/in calls & Out)
New Beautiful Foreign African Ebony Princess Ready & Willing 😘READ BEFORE CALLING😘 - 20
(Columbia, St. Andrews, Bush River, Harbison)
NEW⭐⭐⭐S€X! €xtoci ST@LL!0N Tr€AT ( 🌴 💗🌺💗 🌴) 💯 soFt Curves Pretty face - 22
(Columbia, Columbia SC/PINEY GROVE/ MY BED😘)