Mon 27 Jan
Are you ready for pleasure! Sexy stripper with a lot more then a lap dance to offer! - 30
(Columbia, West Columbia)
😫💦You've had the rest now for the BEST!! OPEN MINDED, UPSCALE Blonde Beauty ready to cater to you! 😍 - 22
(Columbia, Downtown)
♥♥♥Wanna Slide Into Something Sweet??? Green Eyed, Voluptuous, Puerto Rican Goddess♥♥♥ - 22
(Columbia, Two Notch *In calls*)
Your Place💋Juicyy Treatment💦incalls $60😘 Outcalls *70$QV - 23
(Broad River, West Columbia *Outcalls*, Columbia)
****ThE SeXiEsT ChOcOlAtE DoLl ****WiTh ThE BeSt SPECIALS!!! 50$$ SpEcIaLs!! - 20
ORANGEBURG Come Take A DiP iN mY 🐝BeeHive & See What mY Honey 🍯TaSte LiKe 45SplzAllDay - 24 - 24
(Columbia, Orangeburg/St. Matthew's)
ORANGEBURG: NEU:ORANGEBURG? MondaY mAKE UP.....ComE be treated like ROYALTY...... - 26
(Columbia, Incall / hwy 301/ I-95 Santee)
New Mouh of the SSouh Sweet GoDDESS SuPER NaSTY!!PRettY GiRL,SLiPPERY, NO RuSH♡♤-22 - 22
(Columbia, Columbia SC)
»» ❤ LooK!! »» ToTaL PaCKaGe »» SeXxXy.... SwEeT ..EVON!!! I have Specials!!!!! - 22
(Columbia & surrounding)
Lena is bac in action W€T W€T 45$ specials - 20
(Columbia, garners ferry rd incalls and outcalls)
$40(¯`•★•´¯) N_E_W •★• G_O_R_G_E_O_U_S •★• L_I_T T L E •★• C_U_T_I_E (¯`•★•´¯) - 19
(Columbia, Columbia/Piney Grove Upscale Location)
80QvHhrHr🌼 Out Calls ✨Big Booty 🍑🍑Redhead ! My Pictures say it all ! 📞Sammi DONT play💪 !!$ - 23
(Columbia, Columbia (irmo,broadriver,2notch))
#1 ToP CHoiCE EBoNY ★CrAZy PhAT BooTy ★PuRE FrEAK ★CrAzY CuRvEs & AmAziNG SkiLLz - 20
(Columbia, New Pics Broad River I20 In/Outcalls)
*Specials*🍻🍸& 🍃💨💨Super Pleaser★★★Real and Genuine★★Busty n Curvy Model★★ °•❤❤•°Specials!* - 22
(Columbia, i-26)
amazing rose spl tonight only last day in town. fetish friendly - 19
(Columbia, all columbia outcalls)
Tue 21 Jan
_______________ Simply Gorgeous _______________ A Real GFE!! 100% Real PICS!! & Recent!! - 27
(Two Notch/Northeast)
___ ___ NEW IN ToWN ___ ___ ()()() HANNAH ()()() - 20
(COLUMBIA{ BusH RivEr Rd. } (NEW iN tOWN))
Lookie ~ Lookie ~ Lanna's ~ Still ~ In Town In & Out ~ Specials ~ All ~ Nite ~ Long ;~) - 33
(Columbia, Airport Blvd/In&Out;)
💋 Long Legs, Beautiful Busty Blonde with Sweet Personality 💣🍓Highly Recommended🍒🍉🍍 - 25
(Columbia, West Columbia/ Discretional Outcalls)
KIMBERLY❤️ Come relax with the best in Columbia! I am WHITE, beautiful & ready for you!! XOXO💦👄👑👠 - 21
😍CaTcH Me wHiLe YoU cAn 👉40qv 75hh👈 👋SpAnKaBlE BoOtY 💦No BoDyS BeTter👇🏻👆 SnOwBuNnY LoVeRs👯 - 27
(Bush river, Columbia)
👸ChiNa💋 📲409-665-1392📲ThiCk ThiGhs💄SeXy EyEs 💋PAWG * FaT*@$$ *en espanol - 26
(Columbia, Two NoTch Rd, CoLuMbIa)
Brighten Up And Smile It Aint All Bad..... .......Look At Me !!!!!!! - 19
(Columbia, currently harbison blvd.)
⏳40qv 70hh⏳ LiMiTeD TiMe 😘 STuNnInG ReDheAd 👯 #1 SnOwBuNnY 💦JuIcY 😻 BiG BoOtY 🍑Don't MiSs OuT - 30
(Columbia, Piney grove, St Andrew Harbison READ AD)
BRAND NEW WEBSITE 100%REAL MONEY$1500 -$5000 Weekly Porn Actress✔ Escorts✔ Dancers & WebCam Girls✔ - 30
(BRAND NEW WEBSITE CHECK US OUT, Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, Myrtle Beach)
SUNSHYNE ***Mouth Watering Services*** PLUS SIZE RedBone**** $ 45 Special - 23
(Columbia, GREYSTONE)
😛💦🍌 Tori is the REAL GIRL NEXT DOOR! Tired of the fakes? CALL NOW for the BEST experience!!! 😘 - 24
(Columbia, Greystone)
💦💦✨ ROXY ✨💦💦 Juicy & UNfoRGeTTabLe T!ght💄💄💋 Smooth Skin Long Toned LeGs.... Video PROOF - 21
(Columbia, Two Knotch)
Open Minded, Fetish Friendly Babe to ROCK Your WORLD! - 19
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, Myrtle Beach, In town)
Petite Bomshell Redbone $45, $70, $100 spec. - 22
(Columbia, west columbia sc/ airport blvd incalls)
O:-) Cashmere... ready for fun... and a new friend babydoll - 25
(Columbia, where u should b airport area)