Mon 27 Jan
SATURDAY RELAX MODE sexy professional and private! BODY massages and domination! - 28
(Columbia, garners ferry)
I am back! Number one fantasy companion you can't go without! :) wink! - 29
(Columbia, Columbia/in & out calls/all surrounding)
50 SPECIALS !!! Come Get What Your Body Wants... Spicy Kinky LATINA..... SPECIALS**** - 23
(Columbia, .INCALLS ONLY off i26... UPSCALE)
Tue 21 Jan
L O N G S U N K I S S E D L E G S~F R I D A Y N I T E S P EC I A L & U P A L L N I G H T - 23
Have you Ever Truly Been Appreciated???♡☆♡ - 22
(Columbia, Waiting for you☆College Student !Indepen)
SATURDAY RELAX MODE sexy professional and private! BODY massages and domination! - 28
(Columbia, garners ferry)
I am back! Number one fantasy companion you can't go without! :) wink! - 29
(Columbia, Columbia/in & out calls/all surrounding)
Sat 11 Jan
💯Real Pics just took recent 🔥🔥Ms Dimples is Real the proof is in the pics, tatts and video - 21
(Bush river rd, Columbia)
Fri 10 Jan
Thu 09 Jan
💯Real Pics just took recent 🔥🔥Ms Dimples is Real the proof is in the pics, tatts and video - 21
(Bush river rd, Columbia)
¤~¤Young Caramel Cutie ««no strings attached»» WEEKEND SPECIALS 24 HOURS¤~¤ - 22
(Columbia, Columbia (wherever you are))
Wed 08 Jan
Mon 06 Jan
SATURDAY RELAX MODE sexy professional and private! BODY massages and domination! - 28
(Columbia, garners ferry)
Have you Ever Truly Been Appreciated???♡☆♡ - 22
(Columbia, Waiting for you☆College Student !Indepen)
Sun 05 Jan
50 SPECIALS !!! Come Get What Your Body Wants... Spicy Kinky LATINA..... SPECIALS**** - 23
(Columbia, .INCALLS ONLY off i26... UPSCALE)
Sat 04 Jan
¤~¤Young Caramel Cutie ««no strings attached»» WEEKEND SPECIALS 24 HOURS¤~¤ - 22
(Columbia, Columbia (wherever you are))
L O N G S U N K I S S E D L E G S~F R I D A Y N I T E S P EC I A L & U P A L L N I G H T - 23
Fri 03 Jan
Thu 02 Jan